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Cardano and Sygnum Bank Partnership Announced…What it means for ADA!

Cardano and Sygnum Bank Partnership Announced…What it means for ADA!
Cardano and Sygnum Bank Partnership Announced…What it means for ADA!

Cardano and Sygnum Bank Partnership Announced…What it means for ADA!

Cardano and Sygnum Bank, based in Switzerland, announced a partnership that aims to enhance the adoption and investment possibilities of Cardano's native cryptocurrency, ADA. As a result of this partnership, Sygnum Bank integrated ADA into its banking services, making it the first bank to offer staking of ADA. This allows the bank's customers to deposit their ADA holdings into their Sygnum accounts and earn rewards via staking.

Furthermore, Sygnum Bank offers a full suite of services with ADA, including trading it with fiat currencies, custodian services, and earning yield on ADA deposits through staking. The partnership signifies a step further into bringing institutional adoption into the Cardano ecosystem and adds credibility to ADA.

It's important to underline that each investor should conduct their research and evaluate the risks before getting into any kind of investment. The details stated regarding the partnership are liable to changes as per the agreement of the parties involved.
Mike Gilhooly / $websize /


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